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Maximizing insights during therapeutics antibody discovery and development


When developing therapeutic antibodies, selecting only the strongest candidates for further clinical development increases the chances of successful clinical trials. The important decision of candidate selection can only be done right with high quality, accessible data from which insights can be easily drawn. Incompatibility between instrument output files and the system(s) containing the rest of your sample metadata makes deriving important insights difficult, often driving the need for complicated custom systems requiring constant IT support. Extract insights from your data the better way using LIMSense™, a modern LIMS from AduroSys.

Deriving Insights from Your Data is Critical for Antibody Development Success

Previously, we discussed the importance of flexible, customizable plate map design for increasing efficiency and saving time and money during primary and secondary antibody screens. But the best plate maps are only the first step: if you can’t combine your experimental data with the rest of your sample metadata and easily analyze it, scientific insights are virtually impossible. This is critical, because these screens are designed to ensure therapeutic antibody safety and efficacy.

Many of the solutions available to researchers developing antibodies are inflexible point solutions that don’t integrate well with the entire laboratory ecosystem. These leads to several issues:

  • Incompatible file types across instruments and data management systems require customized solutions and expensive IT support

  • Manually combining output data files is time consuming, tedious, and prone to error

  • Finding historical data is difficult and time consuming when using spreadsheets or other outdated tools, making meta analysis difficult

  • Converting combined data files into formats that analysis tools can ingest may require programming skills

A Modern LIMS for Streamlined Data Analysis

If you’d like an easy-to-use, flexible tool to enable you to quickly and easily merge and search your sample metadata and instrument data, LIMSense™ by AduroSys is the solution you’re looking for.

Built with scientists in mind, it is a modern-cloud-based LIMS developed to specifically address the pain points keeping you from uncovering insights from your data:

  • Allows you to create unlimited metadata/parameters for samples and aliquots

  • Supports a wide range of data types, including numbers, controlled vocabulary, text, formulas, etc.

  • Consolidates all sample data into user-defined reports that can be filtered and exported

  • Easily find samples with specified conditions using LIMSense’s multi-criteria search function

  • LIMSense’s data warehousing module pushes all sample data into external analysis software for systematic sample analysis

The Impact of a Modern LIMS

LIMSense™ is the modern tool therapeutic antibody researchers need. It supports your workflow from start to finish with flexible, high-throughput plate map design, integration with your instruments to create and support any file type, and aggregation of instrument data with sample metadata so that you can slice and dice your data any way you want. Experience the time savings, resources savings, and increased efficiency that LIMSense™ can provide you today — and be on your way to faster development of safe and effective therapeutic antibodies.

To learn more about how LIMSense™ can advance your therapeutic antibody development, request a demo today.

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